How To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage?

Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy the warm weather, but it’s also important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Sun damage can cause a variety of skin problems, including wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer. However, with the right precautions, you can protect your skin from sun damage and enjoy the summer months without worrying about the health of your skin.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to protect sun damage on skin, including using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, avoiding the sun, etc.

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sun damage on skin


Sun damage on skin can occur as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays can cause a variety of problems for the skin, including sunburn, wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer. Here are five tips for avoiding the sun’s harmful rays.

1. Wear sunscreen every day of the year

sun damage on skin

One of the most effective ways to protect your skin from sun damage is to use sunscreen. Sunscreen helps to block out harmful UV rays that can damage your skin.

It is important to choose a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 and provides broad-spectrum protection. This means that it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

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2. Every Two Hours, Reapply Sunscreen

sun damage on skin

Even if applying sunscreen in the morning is wonderful, your day is not yet over. You must reapply this powerful anti-aging protection every two hours. Because sunscreen easily goes off and is broken down by the sun, you should reapply it at least every two hours.

3. Rethink Your Window View

damaged skin from sun

Do you really believe that being indoors would protect you from the sun? No, not if you’re near a window! Windows can let in UV (ultraviolet) rays, and while UVB rays are often blocked by them, UVA rays can easily get through as well. UVA can then cause DNA damage in your skin, accelerating ageing and potentially leading to skin cancer. 

Move as far away from direct light as you can whenever you’re indoors, whether at home, in your office, or at a restaurant, to protect yourself.

4. Wear Large Sunglasses (Even On Cloudy Days)

damaged skin from sun

Sunglasses are like sunscreen for your eyes, so get a pair and use them anytime you’re outside if you want to prevent wrinkles from UV damage.

5. Apply SPF To Your Lips

damaged skin from sun

You can get skin cancer on your lips since they receive a lot of daily sun exposure. Every two hours, apply lip balm, lipstick, or a sunscreen stick with an SPF of at least 15 on your lips and give your lower lip a little more care. By doing this, you can avoid dehydration and harmful UV radiation.

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Final Thoughts

Damaged skin from sun is a serious concern that can lead to a variety of skin problems, including sunburn, wrinkles, age spots, and even skin cancer.

The best way to protect your skin from sun damage is to take precautions such as using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, avoiding the sun during peak hours, protecting your eyes, paying attention to your skin type, and eating a healthy diet rich in antioxidants.

It is also important to be aware of any pre-existing skin conditions that may make your skin more sensitive to the sun. By taking these precautions, you can help to protect your skin from sun damage and maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Your Turn: Let me know how effective these sun damage on skin tips were. Are there any other tips we should add to this list? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below!👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

skin damaged by sun
skin damaged by sun

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15 Responses

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